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Colossal Belgium Waffles


Colossal Belgium Waffles

36 hours in Antwerp, Belgium with zero plans. There was much to see in this coffee-shop culture of a town. Beautifully merchandised boutiques filled with well designed knickknacks, along with magnificent rococo style facades lining cobblestone streets. Narrow street cars from the sixties with ray-ban pantone colored window advertisements flooded the streets which complimented Antwerp's fashionably artistic and contemporary social scene. 

Annie and I rested our heads at the OHotel designed by architect and designer Jo Peeters. He combines vintage and design, old and modern with the conveniences of nowadays - our room had all black walls, one spotlight over the bed, and a paper thin glass panel separating the bed from an obscene shower show (quite the romantic room for two college friends looking to catch up over wine & waffles), but coming from a design background, the hotel was certainly unique. Don't leave without drinking a cup of Pip's lemongrass tea and decadent chocolates in the cafe near the entrance. Also ask the kind receptionists where to experience the local spots of Antwerp for the non-local, they really recommended some great places.  

Other than art galleries & design shops, we were on the hunt for the perfect belgium waffle. We ate 3 (oops) throughout the weekend, and the waffles at 'Queen of Waffles' really outdid themselves. A warm waffle smothered in fresh whipped cream, drizzled in succulent honey & topped with bananas - why yes, it really was life changing. 

Anyways, we took the bus back from Antwerp to Dusseldorf for 12 euros & free wifi along the way. Antwerp is a unique city that is filled with all walks of life, but predominately those who live for the little things in life. 36 hours is the perfect timeframe to sit and explore.

Speak soon, 

